Ford and Lincoln car care products

Your Ford or Lincoln authorized dealer has many quality products available to clean your vehicle and protect its finishes. These quality products have been specifically engineered to fulfill your automotive needs; they are custom designed to complement the style and appearance of your vehicle. Each product is made from high quality materials that meet or exceed rigid specifications. For best results, use the following products or products of equivalent quality:

Motorcraft Bug and Tar Remover (ZC-42)
Motorcraft Custom Bright Metal Cleaner (ZC-15)
Motorcraft Detail Wash (ZC-3-A)
Motorcraft Dusting Cloth (ZC-24)
Motorcraft Engine Shampoo and Degreaser (U.S. only) (ZC-20)
Motorcraft Engine Shampoo (Canada only) (CXC-66-A)
Motorcraft Multi-Purpose Cleaner (Canada only) (CXC-101)
Motorcraft Premium Glass Cleaner (Canada only) (CXC-100)
Motorcraft Premium Quality Windshield Washer Fluid (Canada only) [CXC-37-(A, B, D or F)]
Motorcraft Premium Windshield Washer Concentrate (U.S. only)
Motorcraft Professional Strength Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner (ZC-54)
Motorcraft Spot and Stain Remover (U.S. only) (ZC-14)
Motorcraft Ultra-Clear Spray Glass Cleaner (ZC-23)
Motorcraft Vinyl Cleaner (Canada only) (CXC-93)
Motorcraft Wheel and Tire Cleaner (ZC-37-A)

    See also:

    Audio System
    GENERAL INFORMATION Radio Frequencies and Reception Factors AM and FM frequencies are established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commi ...

    Getting the services you need
    Warranty repairs to your vehicle must be performed by an authorized dealer. While any authorized dealer handling your vehicle line will provide warranty service, we recommend you return to your se ...

    Running out of fuel
    Avoid running out of fuel because this situation may have an adverse effect on powertrain components. If you have run out of fuel: • You may need to cycle the ignition from off to on several tim ...